Cultures & Customs
Indonesia has many different cultures as well as customs. For example, there are about six different religions and they take Religious Commitments very seriously. Indonesians communicate in a very indirect way, and often don't say as they mean. Family is very important, they don't talk back to their moms they you do and don't fight about having to do dishes.
- The religions consist of a huge Muslim population, but there is also Buddhism, Catholicism, Confucianism, Protestantism, and Hinduism.
- Religious Commitments in Indonesia are very big and often are done first in the morning and a lot through out the day.
- It's quite hard to understand the way Indonesians communicate because they do it in more of a roundabout way in which implies they don't always mean as they say.
- Indonesians believe that if the whole family is together in one house everyone will be more connected as a family

Rambu Solo' is a custom funeral ceremony from Toraja tradition in South Sulawesi, this requires the family of the dead person to hold a farewell ritual as a tribute for the dead person. The ceremony has to be festive and the family of the dead person brings pigs and buffaloes to be killed and spread around to the surrounding other dead people. A dance also has to be performed during the ceremony.

The most liked foods in Indonesia are Gado-Gado (vegetable salad), Sate (grilled meat), Ikan Panggang (grilled fish), Sapipang-Gang (grilled beef), Kambing Panggang (meat from grilled mutton). The most popular soups are Soto Sapi (beef soup), Soto Kambing (mutton soup), and Soto Ayam (chicken soup). You also might want to take in account that the vast majority of Indonesians are Islamic, that being the case, most Indonesians do not eat pork, however they do eat the meat such as sheep, beef, fish, and/or shrimp.
Created by: Angel Scott, Pryor Middle School